
Freshman Soccer Team Lost, 2 to 1

The Freshman association football team was defeated by Phillips Andover Academy at Andover on Saturday by the score of 2 to 1.

This was the first game of the season for the Freshman team, and considering this fact, the work was remarkably good. The team offered a compact offence, but on the defensive the forward line was slow, and lacked unity. Maguire prevented a larger score by quick and effective work on difficult drives. Andover, which was defeated by the University team 7 to 0, lacked a consistent attack. Fiske scored for the Freshmen and Bickford and Smith for Andover.

The summary: FRESHMEN.  ANDOVER. Maguire, g.  g., Smeltzer Rice, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Littlefield Curtis, l.f.b.  r.f.b., Weil Horn, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Kwan Grinnell, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Young, Hall Weston, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Barrows Fenn, r.o.f.  l.o.f., Tripp Quimby, r.i.f.  l.i.f., Smith McIntoch, c.f.  c.f., Rickford Fiske, l.i.f.  r.i.f., Newton Foster, l.o.f.  r.o.f., Garland

Score--Andover, 2: Freshmen, 1. Goals Bickford, Fiske, Smith. Referee--Innis. Linesmen--L. A. Forsyth 1G., Wells. Time 30-minute halves.
