At least once every year and usually oftener, some individuals inflict upon the University a cheap publication which is supposed to be witty enough to conceal the purely mercenary purposes of its anonymous perpetrators. With silent disapproval and fast tiring patience the University has allowed itself to be subjected to these fatuous money-making schemes. Each time the University has hoped that there would be no more and that the present one would not get beyond its walls.
And recently appeared the climax of feeble-minded absurdity, entitled "The Harvard Low-Life." We have omitted mention of this latest output till now for the reason that not until yesterday was it seen on sale in one of the most conspicuous newstands of Boston. "The Harvard Low-Life"--a title which alone is disgraceful--is the most mercenary scheme of this sort that has yet seen the light. The advertisements are filled in with "news" and "jokes" which are puerile, cheap, and asinine. The paper is without justification of any kind.
It is time that the public opinion of the University rose to action against these undignified products of itching palms, above all when they prostitute the name of Harvard beyond the contines of the University.
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