
Scholars Entertained by City Club

The first group scholars of the University were the guests of the Cambridge Club at a dinner in Young's Hotel. Boston, last evening. This was in accordance with the desire of the club, which is composed of prominent men of the city, to bring Cambridge and the University into more cordial relations. After the dinner, H. M. Williams '85 read the report of the committee which, in conjunction with a Faculty committee, drew up the plans for closer connection between city and University, which were made public last Saturday. In addition to these provisions, three suggestions were made: first, that the club have as its guests at an annual dinner the high scholars of the Sophomore class; second, that the members of the club become better acquainted with the students; third, that a movement be started for the improvement of the approaches to the University grounds. "Government of Cities by Commission" was discussed by Professor W. B. Munro, assistant professor of government, and C. R. Woodruff, of Philadelphia, the secretary of the National Municipal league.
