
What Brooks House has Done in 1910

The year at Phillips Brooks House has been marked by a closer relationship between the House and the University Chapel. Since the change of the Sunday Chapel service to the morning and the appointment of a Chapel Committee of the Association, a notable increase in the Sunday attendance has taken place and has had an influence in slightly increasing the attendance on week-day mornings. For the months October to December the average student attendance on Sunday has been twice as large as in either of the two previous years, even excluding two Sundays when exceptionally popular preachers overtaxed the capacity of the Chapel. The minimum student attendance has been 158 as compared with 50 last year and an even smaller number in the year before.

Because of the great diversity of interests at Harvard, the existence of several religious organizations in Brooks House, and the fact that many of the undergraduates are connected with home churches nearby, it is extremely difficult to hold meetings common to the whole Association, except for the Freshman reception at the beginning of every year. The one meeting of this nature which has been attempted this year was, however, singularly successful. On January 23 exercises commemorating the dedication of the House eleven years ago were held in the Parlor. Dean Wells, President Fitch, and Professor Palmer spoke admirably on different aspects of the personality of Phillips Brooks and the work and aims of the House. Over one hundred men were present, perhaps half of whom were men who have some personal part in the actual promotion of the work of the House.

Two important changes in the constitution have been adopted by the Association. The first of these provides that the officers' term of service shall end at the April recess instead of immediately upon election, at mid-years, since it is believed that the new officers can thereby learn their duties with the aid of the outgoing Cabinet and then have the best part of the college year for their service. The other amendment provides that the officers shall be elected by Australian ballot instead of at a meeting of the Association. As a result 58 votes were cast this year as compared with less than 20 last year.

The Cabinet also decided to canvass for membership in the Association the men in the Senior class who have done some work in Brooks House, but have not previously joined. Steps are now being taken to relate the outgoing men to opportunities for religious, social and civic service in the cities where they may be next year.
