The Boston Health Education League will hold its annual meeting on April 15, when addresses will be made by Dean Briggs, W. F. Garcelon L.'95, and other men prominent in the promulgation of methods for the bettering of public health. This meeting will be followed by a large gymnastic exhibition in the Boston Arena held under the auspices of the American Association of Physical Education. In this exhibition, representatives from various high schools and Dr. Sargent's School will give exhibitions in club swinging, fencing, dumb-bell drill, and other exercises of similar nature. An athletic exhibition has been arranged between members of the University and the Brookline Gymnasium team. In this exhibition the following events will be held: relay shot-put, relay hurdle race, and a relay standing-jump competition. The University gymnasium team and several other gymnasium teams will also give exhibitions.
Coach Quinn, who will coach the men entering this carnival, requests that all men, whether or not members of the University track team, report to him at the Hemenway Gymnasium this afternoon between 2.30 and 5 o'clock in order to make arrangements for work in preparation for the carnival, and to have the nature of the competition explained. It is very important that a large number of men report in order that the University may be represented by the best material obtainable. Men who are unable to report today should do so as soon as possible.
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First Day of Tennis Tournament