
American Lacrosse Team in England

The English government has recently made an offer to the University of Toronto and the leading lacrosse teams of the United States to have the Toronto team meet the American champions during the coronation festivities in England the expenses to be paid by the government.

The choice of the team to represent the United States will probably lie between the intercollegiate champion and the teams of the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn and the Shamrocks of Chicago. It is probable that a series will have to be arranged among these teams to decide who will make the trip.

Harvard won the intercollegiate championship last year but with only four of last year's team as a nucleus around which to work, Coach Warwick will have a difficult task to develop a championship combination this year.

During the first week of practice the men worked on the courts behind the Gymnasium, but for the last two days practice has been held on Soldiers Field.
