The University association football team will play Phillips Andover Academy on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. This is the first game of the season for the University team. For over two weeks daily practice has been held and a provisional team has been selected. The presence of a professional coach on the field has served to concentrate the practice and bring results more rapidly than in former years. Already a fair amount of team-play has been developed, and the new candidates have been taught the fundamentals of the game.
The University team's defence is strong, for five of the six defensive players have had previous experience. The greatest difficulty will be experienced in developing the forward line. This work can be carried on with greater facility when the field is in proper condition. The present softness of the ground makes quick and accurate passing almost impossible. Harvard will play her first game in the intercollegiate league against Haverford on Saturday. No admission will be charged to the game this afternoon.
The line-ups will be as follows:
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