
Teachers' Association Meeting Today

The twentieth annual meeting of the Harvard Teachers' Association will be held today. A business meeting will take place in New Lecture Hall this morning at 9.45 o'clock. At 10 o'clock Professor E. P. Cubberly, professor of Education, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, and Mr. R. A. Woods, A.M. 1910, head of the South End House, Boston, will speak on "Does the Present Trend towards Vocational Education threaten Liberal Culture?" Following this a general discussion will be led by Professor H. W. Holmes; W. B. Snow, of Boston; Miss F. E. Leadbetter, of Boston; and Professor W. A. Neilson p.'96. This session will be open to the public. Teachers and school officers are extended a cordial invitation.

The annual dinner will be served in the Union at 1 o'clock. This will be followed by the second session, at which the morning's subject will be discussed by D. A. Ellis '94, chairman of the Boston School Committee; W. R. Thayer '81, editor of the Graduates' Magazine; and G. S. Smith, president of the Boston Chamber of Commerce.
