
Hockey Team in Practice Games

The University hockey team held a 45-minute practice yesterday afternoon in the Boston Arena in which two scrub games were played, one with the Brookline Hockey Club, and the other with a picked-up team. The first game was won 3 to 1 and the second lost by the score of 3 to 2.

In the first game the puck was kept well away from the University goal but the forwards seemed to be handicapped somewhat by the size of the rink which has been shortened by one third to accustom the players to the size of the St. Nicholas Rink where the team will meet. Yale in the last game of the season on February 18. There was a tendency for the offence to be bunched and the wings did not keep their positions as they should have done. This had a noticeable effect at first, but later the line straightened out and the attack worked much smoother. The defence was strong and played a hard body-checking game which defeated all but one attempt at scoring.

In the second game, the presence of Clifford and Palmer in the opposing forward line caused the play to become more even and there was little choice between the two teams. Houston played an effective game at cover point and used the side boards to good advantage. Owing to the rapid following back of the opposing offence, the University forwards were able to get loose very seldom. The University team lined up as follows: l.e., Childs, Pierce; l.c., Duncan; r.c., Huntington; r.e., Seamans; c.p., Houston; p., Blackall, g., Chadwick.
