

At Yale and Princeton regular attendance at morning chapel is compulsory, and every year the senior class at Yale votes to have the custom continued. This shows that men who attend prayers regularly deem it worth the effort. While we do not approve of and would not for a moment advocate compulsory attendance at Harvard, we do wish to call the attention of the University to the fact that a short service is held in Appleton Chapel every morning at 8.45. There is some justification for this, for, as a rule, less than 100 men are scattered about the vacant pews, and the class report of 1909 shows that but 5 per cent of the class attended prayers.

For the benefit of those who are not familiar with the morning service, we may say that it consists of singing by the choir, responsive reading, a short sermon and prayer, and a hymn, the whole lasting but 15 minutes.

With such men as Dr. Lyman Abbott and Dr. G. A. Gordon conducting the morning service, it is regrettable that so few men should be there to profit by their words.
