

Exciting Relay Races Feature of Meet at Mechanics Hall Last Evening.

The relay races were the most interesting events of the fifth annual track carnival, which was held in Mechanics Hall, Boston, last evening. In the final race, the Boston Athletic Association defeated the University team, establishing a new record of 3 minutes, 8 1-5 seconds for the distance, 1560 yards. The former record of 3 minutes, 8 2-5 seconds was made by the Harvard team in 1906. The Freshmen defeated the Boston English High School, which team won from them at the South Boston Athletic Club's games on January 21. The Yale freshmen were obliged on account of sickness to cancel their race yesterday afternoon, so that the 1914 team ran instead of the second University team against the high school. The interclass race was won by the Sophomores.

R. C. Foster '11, as first man for the University team, finished a yard ahead of O'Hara of the B. A. A. S. C. Simons '11 started off at top speed, opening up five yards. Lee closed this up at the finish, so that H. W. Kelley '11 had only an advantage of two yards. At the end of the second lap Prout of the B. A. A. swung into the lead and finished his relay four yards ahead. E. K. Merrinew '10, as last man for the athletic association, ran a superb race, finishing in record time, 18 yards ahead of W. H. Fernald '12.

In the Freshman and English High School race K. Reynolds '14 and Meanix completed the first relay shoulder to shoulder. Howe led W. A. Barron '14 for the next three laps, and Ferguson held the advantage until the third lap of the third relay, when W. L. Allen, Jr., '14 passed him. With a start of five yards, F. J. O'Brien '14 had little trouble in gaining 20 more.

In the preliminary heats of the interclass race, 1913 defeated 1914 by one lap and 1911 won from 1912 by 50 yards. In the final heat the Sophomores took the lead at the start and gradually opened up ground, finishing 30 yards ahead of the Seniors.

In the other relay races, the Law School defeated Brookline Gymnasium Athletic Association by four yards and the Law School first year men finished 20 yards in front of the Medical School first year men. The Boston Athletic Association midgets won from the Brookline Gymnasium midgets in a close race.


J. A. MacLaughlin '11 won the fencing championship of the University. The wrestling championships were won by H. W. Bradley '12, W. D. Wile 2L., and R. M. Page 1L. No competition was held in the heavy-weight class.

The summary:

Track Events.

40-yard dash, handicap.--Won by P. G. M. Austin '13, scratch: second, H. Jaques, Jr., '11, 6 ft.; third, O. C. Dow '11, 6 ft. Time, 4. 4-5s.

45-yard high hurdles, handicap.--Won by W. P. Browne '11, 4 ft.; second, W. A. Dennis '11, 4 ft.; third, G. C. Flack sC., scratch. Time, 6 2-5s.

45-yard low hurdles, handicap.--Won by J. K. Lewis, Jr., '11, scratch; second, R. C. Foster '11, scratch; third, J. B. Cummings '13, 2 ft. Time, 6s.

40-yard sack race, scratch.--Won by J. Murdoch '11; second, C. F. Brooks '12, third, R. H. Rowse '12. Time, 8 1-5s.

1000-yard run, handicap.--Won by B. M. Preble '12, 10 yds.; second, H. Jaques, Jr., '11, scratch; third, F. H. Blackman '14, 45 yds. Time, 2m., 27 2-5s.

440-yard run, scratch.--Won by F. H. Storms '14; second, L. J. Rabbette '14; third, J. I. Abbott '14. Time, 57 1-5s.

Relay Races.

Law School vs. Brookline Gymnasium A. A.--Won by Law School (J. P. Hartigan 1L., L. H. Simons 3L., H. Guild 1L., M. Steinhardt 1L.); second, Brookline Gymnasium A. A. (L. Hynes, F. Halfenstine, W. Daniels, G. Whitney). Time, 2m., 7 2-5s.

B. A. A. Midgets vs. Brookline Gymnasium A. A. Midgets.--Won by B. A. A. (J. Doon, E. Ryan, J. Billings, L. Higgins); second, Brookline Gymnasium A. A. (A. Graves, C. Pree, M. Lahee, M. Pendergast). Time, 1m., 7 2-5s.

Law School First Year Men vs. Medical School First Year Men.--Won by Law School (G. W. Ryley, J. P. Hartigan, H. Guild, M. Steinhardt); second, Medical School (L. K. Lunt, D. Munro, C. A. Downs, R. A. Rockford). Time, 2m., 8 1-5s.

Freshmen vs. Boston English High School.--Won by Freshmen (K. Reynolds, W. A. Barron, W. L. Allen, Jr., F. J. O'Brien); second, English High School (W. H. Meanix, O. G. Howe, W. A. (Ferguson, G. E. Read). Time, 3m, 12 4-5s.

Interclass Race.--First heat won by 1913. Time, 7m., 57 2-5s. Second heat won by 1911. Time, 8m., 3 2-5s. Final heat won by 1913 (P. B. Halstead, R. Fallon, F. G. M. Austin, T. E. Alcorn, W. M. Danner, F. W. Copeland, W. W. Davies, L. E. Hodges, C. W. Burrage, S. Nichols, E. D. Smith, W. B. Adams, H. M. Warren, H. P. Lawless, J. B. Cummings). Time, 7m., 55 4-5s.

Harvard vs. B. A. A.-Won by B. A. A. (F. P. O'Hara, H. Lee, W. C. Prout, E. K. Merrihew); second, Harvard (R. C. Foster, S. C. Simons, H. W. Kelley, W. H. Fernald). Time, 3m., 8 1-5s. (New record for Mechanics Hall).

Field Events.

Running high jump, handicap.--Won by W. A. Dennis '11, 5 in.; second, S. C. Lawrence 1G., scratch; third, A. D. Barker '11, 3 in. Height, 6 ft., 1 1-4 in.

12-pound shot-put, handicap.--Won by L. Withington, Jr., '11, 4 ft.; second, P. H. Keays '13, 1 ft.; third, R. T. P. Storer '14, 1 ft. Distance, 48 ft., 10 in.

Fencing and Wrestling Championships.

Fencing for University championship.--Won by J. A. MacLaughlin '11; second, G. B. Wilbur '12.

Exhibition of duelling sword work.--W. Hunt '11, J. M. Moore '11.

Wrestling for University championships.--135-pound class. H. W. Bradley '12 threw S. P. Speer '13, in 14m., 10s.; 145-pound class, W. D. Wile 21., obtained decision over P. R. Rolbert 2L in 18m.; 158-pound class, R. M. Page 1L. defeated F. L. Cooper 2L., in 15m
