
Debating Trials in Harvard at 7.30

The first trials for the University debating teams, which will meet Yale and Princeton on April 3, will be held in Harvard 5 and 6 this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The question of the debate will be: "Resolved, That all elective state officers should be nominated by direct primaries."

Twenty men will be retained for the second trials which will be held in the New Lecture Hall, February 24. Twelve men will then be retained and divided into four teams of three men each. The final trials will probably be held March 3 and 4. The time of speeches in the first trials will be five minutes; in the second, ten minutes; and, in the last, twelve minutes with five minutes for rebuttal.

The judges for the trials will be: S. Curtis '05, A. H. Elder '07, R. W. Kelso '04, A. P. Stone '93, and R. T. Parke '98.
