
Law School Inter-Class Relay Race

As an additional feature for the Winter Carnival to be held in Mechanics Hall Thursday evening, the track management has made arrangements for a relay race between the three classes of the Law School. The teams will be composed of four men, each man to run two laps or 260 yards. The following captains have been appointed: first year class, S.H. Philbin; second year class, T. S. Blumer '10; third year class, B. L. Young '07.

Entries for all track events of the carnival must be made before 6 o'clock tomorrow. Entry-books have been placed at Leavitt & Peirce's and at the Locker Building. There is no entrance fee for any of the events. A man whose name is not on the program, will not be allowed to compete.

The board track is at the service of any member of the University daily and sacks may be obtained at the Locker Building by men who intend to enter the sack-race.

The trials for the class relay teams will be held Monday afternoon. Any man who intends to try for a team should report to his class captain. The captains are as follows: H. Jaques, Jr., '11, W. H. Fernald '12, H. P. Lawless '13, and W. S. Allen, Jr., '14.
