

By Score of 3 to 1 In Poorly Played Game.--Sortwell Excelled.

The Freshman hockey team defeated the Yale freshmen in the Boston Arena on Saturday afternoon by the score of 3 to 1. The 1914 forwards played better together than their opponents but lost many good chances to score through poor shooting. The Harvard defence, however, was at all times clearly superior to Yale's.

After a few minutes' indecisive play Sortwell shot the first goal, at short range. A little later Evans carried the puck down the rink and from a scrimmage in front of the goal tied the score. Three minutes before the close of the first period Hopkins shot the second goal for the Freshmen on a pass from Sortwell. In the second half the poor condition of the ice made accurate shooting and passing difficult. Sortwell shot the only goal towards the close of the period. A number of substitutes were sent in for Harvard but the Yale forwards could not get past their opponents' defence.

For the Freshmen Sortwell, Carnochan, and Hopkins played well, while Chauncey and Evans excelled for Yale.

The teams lined up as follows: HARVARD 1914.  YALE 1914. Hopkins, l.e.  r.e., Chauncey Adams, Hanson, l.c.  r.c., Bishop Sortwell, r.c.  l.c., Gatins Williams, Woods, Devereux,  Morgan, r.e. l.e., Martin Wingate, c.p.  c.p., Gore Willetts, Smart, p.  p., Evans Carnochan, g.  g., Peabody

Score--Harvard 1914, 3; Yale 1914, 1. Goals--Sortwell 2, Hopkins, Evans. Referee-- Linnerton. Assistant referee-- Hoey. Time--Two 20-minute periods.


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