At the suggestion of the Memorial Hall Executive Committee the University is making an investigation into the boarding facilities available to students in Cambridge. Letters were sent yesterday to every student resident in Cambridge who is not a member of either Memorial or Randall Halls, enclosing a blank containing the following questions:
1. Where do you get most of your meals?
2. What is the average cost to you per week for board?
3. If you are eating at no one place regularly is it (a) because you prefer to "eat around" or (b) because you know of no good place for regular meals?
4. Are there any changes in policy which, if adopted by the management of Memorial Hall, would induce you to eat there? If so, what are they?
The purpose of the above inquiry is to obtain definite facts as to the boarding problem in Cambridge. Memorial Hall has the best equipped plant obtainable and as a commons it has great possibilities, but its membership is not as great as might be expected from a University of this size. What must be determined is whether its present membership is the largest that is available; in other words, are the 2500 men in the Cambridge departments of the University who do not eat at either Memorial or Randall, definitely tied down to some other eating place, or are many of them "eating around." With a membership of 1000, excellent board could be served for $5 per week; the present rate of $5.50 is due to the small membership. It is, therefore, of great interest to the committee and to the College at large to determine whether the membership of 1000 is a physical possibility.
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