The first performances of the Dramatic Club's fall production. "The Night Riders," will be given in Brattle Hall on Tuesday and Friday evenings of next week. "The Night Riders," written by E. C. Ranck 2Sp., of Lexington, Ky., is a play in three acts dealing with the political struggles of a young candidate for governor during the period of the "night rider" terrorism.
Tickets for the performances are now on sale at the Co-operative Branch, Herrick's, and the Jordan Hall box office, or may be obtained from H. R. Bowser '12, Brentford 37, daily between 5 and 6 o'clock. The prices of the tickets for the Brattle Hall productions are $1.50 and $1, and for the Boston performance in Jordan Hall on December 16, $1.50, $1, and 75 cents.
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