

Committee Appointed to Select Site of Clubhouse for Boston Organization.

After a three year's existence without a permanent home, the Harvard Club of Boston has decided to build, and has appointed a committee to select a suitable site for a clubhouse. Although detailed plans for the building will not be decided upon until the situation is chosen, in its general proportions and interior arrangement it will be similar to the house of the Harvard Club of New York City, containing a large assembly hall for dinners and other gatherings, and a great number of private rooms for the accommodation of non-resident members.

The Club, formed in 1908, has already 1500 members, and as there are over 8000 Harvard men in Greater Boston the need of a clubhouse is apparent. In addition to graduates living in Boston, the clubhouse would be of especial value in extending hospitality to non-resident graduates constantly coming to Boston from outside points.

The following men have been appointed to the building committee: R. F. Herrick '90, E. D. Brandegee '81, W. C. Baylies '84, T. K. Cummins '84, O. D. Roberts '86, E. H. Wells '97, and J. Lawrence, Jr., '01.


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