

Freshmen Offered Unusual Opportunities.--Regular Work to Begin Soon.

The winter class in general athletics for Freshmen who are not candidates for any of the regular athletic teams, will begin in a short time, by January 1 at the latest, and will continue for three months. Much of the work will be personally conducted by W. F. Garcelon L. '95 and P. Withington 2M., and all of it will be under their general supervision. The course will include track and field athletics, light gymnastics, boxing, fencing under the direction of M. Leslabey, coach of the University fencing team, and wrestling under Sam Anderson, coach of the University wrestling team. It is hoped that arrangements may also be made to give instruction in swimming.

Two years ago when this class was first organized, it had only seven members. Last year it had 37, and this year many more are expected. If there are a sufficient number of men, if is planned to divide the class into squads of 10 men, each squad to have one of its members as a leader.


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