The University hockey team will play the first regular game of its schedule with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Arena this evening at 8.15 o'clock. Box seats at $1 and reserved seats at 75 cents each are on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's.
The Technology team has played no regular games so far this season, but in practice scrimmages has been beaten twice by the Intercolonials and once by the B. A. A., in the latter case losing by a very small score. The University team has won one scrimmage of the several played against the B. A. A. and has tied one. A week ago Saturday Technology and a scrub team composed mainly of members of the University squad played a tie game, each side scoring five goals. This, however, was hardly a fair trial for either team, as poor ice greatly handicapped the forward lines.
None of the football men who reported late for practice will take part in the game today. Morgan will probably be at right end in the forward line, and Palmer and Sortwell will exchange places, Palmer returning to centre. This shift has worked well in practice for the last two days. Wingate and P. H. Smart, who with S. B. Smart will constitute the defence, have played together in practice a large part of the time and have shown themselves a very effective combination.
The probable line-ups for this evening's game will be as follows: Yesterday's Practice Light. Practice yesterday afternoon for those men who will play today was very light, consisting of a half hour's skating and shooting practice in which several sets of forwards were used. A team of men most of whom will not take part today was beaten 5 to 0 by a B. A. A. forward line and a University defence in a 25-minute scrimmage.
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