

That the present Trophy Room in the Union is far from satisfactory every Harvard man knows. It is overcrowded; it is antiquated, the trophies are neither arranged satisfactorily not kept up to date. The last football team picture which hangs there is of the 1903 team; and the last baseball picture is that of 1904. There are a great many dusty crew trophies in the Newell Boat House, and hidden away in a cobwebby corner of the present Gymnasium are more relics of past victories. The prows of old shells are in the Union Reading Room, and there are more pictures and trophies in the Locker Building.

The present Trophy Room is, of course, altogether too small to exhibit all the trophies properly. It would be possible, however, for a committee of the Student Council to arrange for the collection of all the trophies from various parts of Cambridge, a thorough dusting off, and a better arrangement. A very fitting place for a Trophy Room would be in the new Varsity Club, except that there would be danger of the relics of victory being hidden from the eyes of the interested public--that is, the fathers and mothers and aunts and uncles and friends of undergraduates and from most of the undergraduates themselves. We suggest that the Varsity Club provide a Trophy Room which non-members of the club might enter; if the entrance to such a room could be from the Union it would probably mean that it would be more used, and it would surely strengthen the bond between the Varsity Club and the Union.
