

It may seem early to press upon Juniors the discussion of rooming in Senior Yard dormitories next year. However, a committee of the Junior class has already been appointed to present the question to the class, and while this committee will probably not report before Christmas in any definite manner as to what facilities are offered, the general aspect of the Senior Yard dormitories deserves present consideration. The Christmas vacation affords an excellent chance for Juniors to discuss with the members of their families at home, the advisability of rooming in the Yard next year--in fact it is probably the only such opportunity that will occur for those who live at some distance from Cambridge before they will be called upon to make their decision. Last year the applications for Yard rooms were due from the class of 1912 the day before the mid-year examination period, and it is likely that they will be required at about the same time this year.

It is not our purpose to discuss the merits and advantages of Senior Yard dormitories as yet. Let it suffice that the modern improvements installed have attracted an increasing number of Seniors to the Yard during the past two years, and in the minds of these, it is beyond doubt a question that a spirit of good-fellowship has resulted of the greatest influence in increasing class unity.
