

The University Catalogue for 1911-12 shows a total enrollment this year of 5884, an increase of 94 over last year's figures. The College shows a gain of 45 and the professional schools a gain of 37; the Dental School registering 38 more members than last year and the Law School 6 more, while the Divinity School and the Medical School show losses of 4 and 6 respectively. The only notice able decrease in this year's registration is in the Summer Schools in which there were 1065 this year as compared to 1106 in 1910-11, a loss of 41. The Officers of Instruction and Administration number 839, 77 more than in 1910-11.   1st year.  2nd year.  3rd year.  4th year.  Specials.  Unclassified.  Total '11-'12.  Total '10-'11.  Change from '10-'11. Harvard College,  739  499  537  372  43  72  2262  2217  45 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,              454  463  --9 Graduate School of Applied Science,              123  123 Graduate School of Business Administration,  45  10      24    79  72  7 Total Arts and Sciences,  784  509  537  372  67  72  2918  2875  43

  1st year.  2nd year.  3rd year.  4th year.  Graduates.  Specials.  Andover.  Total '11-'12.  Total '10-'11.  Change from '10-'11. Divinity School,  2  6  3    12  5  20  48  52  --4 Law School,  289  216  219    3  81    808  802  6 Medical School,  95  57  56  50    17    275  278  --3 Dental School,  57  56  41          154  116  38   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- Total Professional Schools,  443  335  319  50  15  103  20  1285  1248  37

  1st year.  2nd year.  3rd year.  4th year.  Graduates.  Specials.  classified.  Andover.  Total'11-'12.  Total '10-11.  Change from '10-'11. Total University,  1227  844  856  422  592  170  72  20  4203  4123  80 Officers of Instruction and Administration,                  839  762  77 Summer Schools,                  1065  1106  --41 Deduct for persons registered in Summer School and also in other schools,                  --234  --206  --28 University Extension,                  11  5  6   --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- Total University Enrollment,  1227  844  856  422  592  170  72  20  5884  5790  94
