

Dr. W. T. Grenfell Emphasized This Topic in Third Noble Lecture.

Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell h.'09 delivered the third of the William Belden Noble lectures on the general subject. "The Adventure of Life" in Sanders Theatre yesterday evening.

Throughout his lecture, Dr. Grenfell emphasized the question of the contribution of religion to modern life. Religion in the past has spent too much time in trying to perpetuate crystailized religious attitudes rather than to reincarnate the life of Christ in the lives of its supporters. The Church is only now beginning to realize its responsibility and opportunities, and is accomplishing much through numerous hospitals, Y. M. C. A.s and settlements. It has not, however, made itself felt as it should in regard to the really living problems of the day, and if it continues to remain inactive other agencies will take its place. The drink problem, the social evil, financial and labor problems, all have a remedy, and that obtainable only through the Church and Christ's teachings.
