

lish 48 shelf in Gore Hall. Let us cram!

The effect of this sort of theme-setting is, of course, to discourage the spirit of true poetry and to reduce the Garrison contest to a scramble in stunts, in which he who has best the knack of realizing atmosphere at second hand may well bear the palm before more worthy rivals. But we had thought the reproach attaching to prize poems spent chiefly upon this very occasional quality of theirs! The subjects proposed are certainly of timely interest, and for that reason they may tap a genuine enthusiasm somewhere; but it would seem that the purpose of the class of '88 might be served with more assurance of success were these more catholic in range. And the undergraduate mind discovers no reason why, so far as subject matter goes, the Garrison Prize should not be administered after the fashion of the Bowdoin Prizes, by admitting any theme approved of by the committee.
