The first round of the Ames Competition has just been finished, the results being as follows: George Gray v. Westen- gard, judgment for the plaintiff; Ames Gray v. Parsons, judgment for defendant; Bcale v. Marshall, judgment for defendant; Choate v. Pount, judgment for plaintiff; English v. Witenagemot, judgment for plaintiff; Story v. Kent, judgment for defendant; Lowell v. Bryee, judgment for defendant: Harlan v. Williston, judgement for plaintiff. The facts for the second round will be found in the competition box in Langdell Hall marked with the name of the club to argue. The briefs will be due at 6 P. M., December 11, and the arguments must take place on or before December 18. Judges must be selected by December 8, and the notice of selection given to the adviser in charge. The judges will be assigned by the advisers unless they are agreed on by the competing clubs. Counsels who are to argue in the round must leave their names in the competition box when they take the facts. Each club must file four or six copies of its brief in the competition box, according as there are one or three judges. If students in the school act as judges there must be three. A prize of $200 will be awarded to the winning club and another of $100 to the club losing in the final round
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