8.45.--Morning prayers by Rev. E. C. Moore, D.D., in Appleton Chapal.
2.30.--Lecture on "The Theology of Contemporary Religion" by Professor E. C. Moore in King's Chapel, Boston.
3.00.--Interclass championship football game on Soldiers Field between Seniors and Sophomores.
Cup and interclass shoots on Soldiers Field.
4.30.--Lecture on China by Rev. A. H. Smith at Andover Theological Seminary.
Lecture on "France in the Orient in the Middle Ages" by Professor Charles Diehl, in Emerson D.
7.00.--Meeting of Bible Classes in Brooks House.
8.00.--Chamber concert by the Flonzaley Quartet in Lecture Room of Fogg Art Museum.
8.15.--Booker T. Washington on "Negro Progress," in Union Living Room.
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