
Where Captains Have Played

Since 1883, when football first started in its modern form, Yale and Harvard have each had 27 University captains. At Harvard halfbacks and ends have filled the posiston most frequently and at Yale tackles and ends. Two of Harvard's four victories against Yale have been won under the leadership of an end, one under the leadership of a halfback, and the other under the leadership of a guard who was unable to play in the final game. It is interesting to note that Harvard has had two right tackles as captains in the last two years. With the single exception of this year, Yale has never lost a game to either Harvard or Princeton with a quarterback as captain, and has won like Harvard more games under ends than under men of any other positions.

The 27 captains have played as follows:


Halfbacks, 7; ends, 6; quarterbacks, 4; guards, 4; tackles, 2; centres, 2; fullbacks, 2.



Tackles, 7; ends, 6; halfback, 5 guards, 3; quarterbacks, 3; fullbacks, 2; centre, 1.
