

Cast of Dramatic Club's Fall Play.--Tickets Now on Sale.

The cast of characters for the Dramatic Club's fall production, "The Night Riders," has been selected as follows:

Mrs. Castleton Rodgers, owner of "Crestonhurst,"  Miss Esther Watson Clifton Rodgers, her son,  N. R. Sturgis '12 Jim Frosythe, editor of the "Star,"  W. A. Searle 1G. Abe Lewis, a "dumper,"  R. D. Whittemore '13 Banks, a negro servant in the Rodgers house,  J. R. K. Taylor uC. America Sparrow, a negro "mammy," in the Floyd home,  Miss Louise Burleigh Dixon Mason, a young New Yorker,  R. C. Benchley '12 Sam Bullen, a Kentucky "Colonel,"  W. C. Woodward '12 "Mister" Theodore page, a Kentucky "Private,"  M. T. Quigg '13 Mary Floyd, his neice,  Miss Marjorie E. Smith David Bollivar, of the tobacco pool,  E. C. Hammond uC.

Members of the tobacco pool, night riders, etc.: C. F. Brooks '12, J. A. Donovan '13, E. E. Embree '14, J. B. Emerson uC., R. M. Ferry '12, A. M. Hay '14. W. W. Leonhauser '13, J. H. Lord '14, P. C. Rodey '13, R. E. Stifel '12, A. Walter '14, C. V. Wright '14, R. H. Wright '13.

The "Night Riders," a play in three acts, written by Edwin Carty Ranck 2Sp., of Lexington, Ky., deals with the political struggles of a young candidate for governor during the "night rider" regeme. It will be given in Brattle Hall on December 12 and 15, and in Jordan Hall, Boston, on December '16.

Tickets at $1.50 and $1 for the Cambridge performances, and at $1.50, $1, and 75 cents for the Boston performance may be had upon application to H. R. Bowser '12, Brentford 37.
