

Consent of City Authorities to its Construction Must be Obtained.

Borings are being made in the bed of the Charles River near Boylston street, by the Metropolitan Park Commission, for the purpose of ascertaining what materials will be needed for the foundation of the new Stadium bridge which it is hoped will soon replace the present wooden structure. In this way a fairly accurate estimate of the cost of the new bridge can be made.

In a law passed last February, permission was granted by Congress for the construction of a drawless bridge of not less than twelve feet clearance in the main channel over the ordinary height of water in the Basin. In May the Massachusetts Legislature passed an act in accordance with the act of Congress, providing for the building of a bridge with funds donated for the purpose. The act also provided for a bond issue of $50,000 to enable the Metropolitan Park Commission to buy land in Boston connecting lands now in its control bordering on the river. The Legislature failed, however, to make provision for the changes in the grades of North Harvard street in Boston and Boylston street in Cambridge, which will be necessary in connection with the building of the bridge. Negotiations are now in progress with the city authorities to obtain their consent to the construction of the bridge and their agreement to build the approaches, and it is hoped that the completion of all necessary arrangements for the construction of the bridge will soon be made.
