


The last secret practice of the 1911 University football team was held in the Stadium yesterday afternoon. Today's practice will be open to the University and will end the preparation for the Yale game. Immediately after this afternoon's practice, which will consist in a general exhibition of plays and punting, the men will leave for Lowell, to spend the night at the Vesper Country Club. They will return sometime Saturday noon, probably just after lunch.

Hard Signal Drill Yesterday.

Yesterday's practice consisted of hard work, even though there was no scrimmaging, for the team was put through three quarters of an hour of fast and steady signal drill to polish off the plays which will be used against Yale tomorrow.

Players in Good Condition.

The general condition of the men on the University team is good. There is no danger of their being over-trained, and very good reasons for believing that all will go into the game in fine shape with the possible exception of Potter and Felton. But even so, there are some places on the team which may yet be filled with substitute players when the game starts. Potter has been playing during the last three or four practices, but of course his strength for a big game is an unknown quantity, although at present he is in apparently good condition. The chances favor his playing most of the game and even doing part of the punting, but that is all that can be said. The same thing is true of Felton. He has been kicking for an average of 45 yards since his return to the game, but he is still lame from his injury, and his ability to last is therefore doubtful.


Probable Line-up Against Yale.

The official line-up of the team has not been announced yet and may contain some surprises. At present it seems most probable that Huntington will stay at fullback with Campbell on his left, though the former may be put at centre again and a substitute play at fullback. Parmenter has been holding the centre of the line this week and will play there unless the above shift is made at the last moment. Storer, who was shifted at short notice from centre to right tackle to fill Gardiner's place, has remained there and has played remarkably well. With Captain Fisher beside him there is a solid defence against plays inside of tackle. The end position on that side can be cared for by either Felton or O'Brien. On the left of the line, Smith, Hitchcock and Leslie have proved their strength. The expected line-up is as follows: l.e., Smith, l.t., Hitchcock; l.g., Leslie; c., Parmenter; r.g., Fisher; r.t., Storer; r.e., Felton or O'Brien; q.b., Potter; l.h.b., Campbell; r.h.b., Wendell; f.b., Huntington.
