The fourth and last football mass meeting of the year will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. H. L. Gaddis '12 will preside; Coach Haughton, Dean Briggs, and J. W. Farley '99 will speak; old and new songs will be practiced under the leadership of F. R. Hancock '12, and following the meeting there will be a grand "all out" night.
Assembling in front of the Union, the undergraduates will hold a torchlight parade through the streets and about the Yard. Torches, filled and ready for use, will be sold by the Co-operative Society at J. Beane's grocery store in Quincy square this afternoon and evening, and possibly after the mass meeting, for 25 cents apiece.
Football Pop-Concert Tomorrow and Parade to the Stadium Friday.
Tomorrow evening there will be a pop-concert by the Pierian Sodality in the Union, at which the football songs will again be practiced under the leadership of Hancock. The parade to the Stadium will be held on Friday afternoon instead of tomorrow afternoon as announced.
Handkerchiefs and Megaphones.
All men allotted seats in sections 32 and 33 especially, and also those in 31 and 34, are urged to co-operate in making a success of the cheering, singing, and display of the white "H" on a red field on Saturday by getting crimson handkerchiefs and megaphones. These will be on sale today, tomorrow, and Friday at Holworthy 17 between 12 and 2.30 o'clock. The handkerchiefs are five cents apiece and the megaphones fifteen.
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