
Student Council Committees

The list of committees organized by the Student Council is given below, with the addition of one new committee, that on Dramatic Management. Besides its usual duties, the Committee on Athletics will take over the management of subsidiary athletics, such as class football, class rowing, scrub hockey, and Leiter Cup baseball, as the Student Council feels that the management of that department has been neglected heretofore.

The Committee on Dramatic Management includes members from various organizations which give plays during the year. Its purpose is to lessen the cost in the production of plays by economizing as regards scenery and other stage details. The object of the Committee on Organizations is to systematize and cooperate with all clubs in the University other than athletic, editorial, and social, for the furtherance of their usefulness in the future.

The members of the various committees are as follows:

Committee on Scholarship and Publications.--J. G. Gilkey '12, chairman; G. W. Gray '12, G. C. Henderson '12, G. H. McCaffrey '12, D. P. Ranney '12, G. H. Roosevelt '13, H. J. Smith '13, R. W. Williams '12.

Committee on Athletics.--R. T. Fisher '12, chairman; R. B. Batchelder '13, C. P. Curtis, Jr., '14, A. M. Goodale '13, F. D. Huntington '12, R. S. Potter '12, A. Strong '12, P. R. Withington '12.


Committee on Organizations.--J. R. Sibley '12, chairman; P. G. M. Austin '13, H. B. Gill '13, A. W. Knauth '12, W. E. Quinby '14.

Committee on Dramatic Management.--R. C. Benchley '12, chairman; J. S. Abreu '14, E. C. Brown '12, C. E. Hansen '12, O. W. Haussermann '12, H. W. Miller '12.
