

The Cheering Section.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Dear Sirs:

By what right has the Harvard Cheering Section been abolished? Yes, abolished! When I turned around and counted 150 women in the two sections especially reserved for men who should cheer, it seemed as if that feature of supporting the team had been done away with. But no! the cheers went on; but such cheers! Are the undergraduates craven? Do we hold ourselves in check for fear of making too much noise? We do not. But when the laxity of ticket distribution has allowed 150 women, nearly as many children, and more than as many old men and neutrals, what can we do? We can do our best and I think we did--but what a handicap! And we were particularly told not to take girls into these sections! The Carlisle contingent had 25 women as a cheering section-- they cheered!

Whatever the cause, the presence of these outsiders in the Harvard cheering section was an outrage. I am not alone in this: all the undergraduates I have spoken to feel just as indignant--and woe betide someone if it happens again! Very truly yours,   B. M. PREBLE '12.


In explanation of the above the CRIMSON would say that the difficulty mentioned regarding the arrangement of seats in the cheering section was due to an error on the part of the Library Bureau.

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