

For Tomorrow's Game to be Published by the Crimson Today.--All Must Procure Tickets at Athletic Office.

The CRIMSON will publish this afternoon at 3 o'clock a supplement containing a complete list of 300 Stadium ushers for the Dartmouth game tomorrow. Copies of these supplements will be posted immediately in the CRIMSON Office, at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Union, and on several bulletin boards in the Yard. All men who have signed up for usher positions are requested to find out as soon after 3.30 o'clock as possible whether or not they have been selected to usher tomorrow. All ushers are required to procure admission tickets between 4 and 6 o'clock today or between 8 and 10 o'clock tomorrow at the Athletic Office. Ushers must show their Bursar's cards, Co-operative tickets, or other means of identification. The CRIMSON is publishing the list today in order to avoid congestion at the Athletic Office tomorrow morning. It is therefore hoped that all men who expect to usher will take pains to look up the list this afternoon and procure the necessary tickets. No usher will be admitted to the field without a ticket, nor will any such tickets be given out except at the appointed hours. Meal tickets may also be obtained at the Athletic Office.
