

Held in Arena Yesterday Afternoon. -- 28 Candidates Reported.

Twenty-eight men reported for the first University hockey practice of the year in the Arena yesterday afternoon. At the very start they were divided into squads, and throughout the remainder of practice played this way, one squad at each end of the rink. After a 15-minute shooting practice, Coach Winsor sent the forwards up the rink by twos against a goal tender and point, and later by fours against the same defence, the practice by fours occupying the greater part of the hour. Work was concluded by a short skate led by Coach Winsor. Practice will be held three days a week hereafter, the next time probably, coming tomorrow afternoon.

The defences yesterday afternoon were made up as follows: Goals -- Carnochan, S. B. Smart, Tibbetts, Points -- Clark, Houston, Wingate.

The forward lines were made up of the following men: Adams, Baldwin, Booth, Childs, Devereux, Duncan, Edwards, Gibson, Gorham, Hanson, Kettell, Mead, Morgan, Paine, J. R. Pratt, R. T. Pratt, P. H. Smart, Smith, Sortwell, Reeves, Rogers, Yarnall.
