(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The spirit shown at the football games this fall has been a disgrace to such a university as Harvard. The attitude manifested by the cheering sections certainly does not merit half so good a football team. The whole College should be ashamed of the lack of enthusiasm that has made it necessary for our leaders to beg for better singing and cheering at the very times when our men most deserved that encouragement.
Harvard is not composed of "quitters". Our substitute team, fighting against one of the finest elevens in the country, demonstrated that most clearly on Saturday. Why then do not the students enter into the spirit of the games with more vigor? Our team has coaching second to none; every man on the team, as Captain Fisher has said, is a fighter; but if, at the outset of an important game, any player makes a mistake and the opposing team seems to "get the jump" for a moment, the student body seems to lose heart and to desert the team. Thereafter, the players must combat not only the strength of their adversaries, but the discouraging pessimism of the whole Harvard stands.
Let us stop this! But the football management must also help. Let us have our mass meetings and our song practices, let us have them often! Three meetings this week and a mass meeting or song practice every night next week would not be any too many. And let us have more than that! Let there be open practice for at least the last 15 minutes of two days each week. Is not the system of uninterrupted secret practice, every day, too commercial for a college football team? Give us a chance not only to have our loyalty aroused by mass meetings, but let us each gain a personal enthusiasm in the team and every player by getting in closer touch with them at their practices! Is it not as important to get the enthusiastic support of the whole student body as to work out tricks in secret? Coaches, give us a chance! and fellows, every one of you, get behind that team,--and push! H. G. SMITH '13. H. E. WILDES '13.
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