


The full arrangements for the Musical Clubs' western trip during the Christmas recess have been made. A similar trip was taken in 1907, and one in 1909, but the present plans include many more concerts than either of the two previous ones. Nine cities are on the list as compared with five in 1909 and 1907; and, whereas the former trips included only three middle-western cities, Chicago, III., St. Louis, Mo., and Minneapolis, Minn., this year's trip will bring in Omaha, Neb., and Kansas City, Mo., in addition to the above three.

Fifty men will be chosen by competition to represent the Glee, Mandolin, and Banjo Clubs; and Manager E. C. Brown '12 and an assistant manager, who has not yet been chosen, will accompany the clubs to make the necessary arrangements.

Since the preliminary plans were announced three weeks ago, it has been decided that no concert will be given in Detroit, Mich., but there will be one in Omaha. The dual concert with Yale at Cincinnati, O., will not take place because no suitable hall can be engaged for the evening. In each of the cities included the local Harvard Clubs have shown great enthusiasm in arranging to entertain the members of the clubs and have generously undertaken to make all provisions necessary for a successful concert. In some of the cities the regular concert will be followed by a dance. Two special sleeping cars and one baggage car will be used by the clubs throughout the whole trip.

According to the revised schedule the clubs will leave Boston on the afternoon of December 22 and will give their first concert in Springfield that evening. The second concert will be given in Cleveland, O., on December 23. No dates have been made for Sunday, December 24, or December 25. Following this, concerts will be given in Minneapolis, December 26; in Chicago, December 27; in St. Louis, December 28; in Kansas City, December 29; in Omaha, December 30; in Buffalo, January 1; and in New York, January 2.

After the last concert the men will be at liberty to return to Cambridge or go to their homes for the remaining days of the Christmas recess. In all cases the program will be arranged so as to include purely college numbers, excluding the more classical pieces which have figured in all previous, concerts.


Schedule Before Christmas Trip.

The following schedule has been arranged for the Musical Clubs before the Christmas trip:

Nov. 15--Quartet at Newtonville.

Nov. 17--Dual concert with Dartmouth in Jordan Hall.

Nov. 24--Dual concert with Yale in Jordan Hall.

Dec. 7--Pop-night in Union.

Dec. 15--Concert in Fall River.
