

1915 Forwards Make Poor Showing Against Second in Long Scrimmage.--Pennock and Trumbull in Line-up.

The Freshman football team was put through another hard practice yesterday afternoon. Work began with individual instruction instead of the usual tackling dummy drill. Coach Dewey took charge of the linemen, paying special attention to finding holes and charging low, while the ends and backs worked with Coaches Parker and Chatfield. Coolidge, Little, Smith, and Weatherhead ran down under the punts, trying to break up the tandem formations of the backs. The linemen held a short fake scrimmage with the second team to gain speed in blocking shift plays, in which the latter had little difficulty in puzzling its opponents' line.

The squad was then divided into two teams, A and B, for a 30-minute scrimmage, which proved rather slow, except for two good runs by Spang, and one by Logan. After team A had scored twice the regular first team lined up against the second, Pennock and Trumbull being in the line again after a few days' rest. The ball was put in play in mid-field and steadily advanced to within 30 yards of the second team's goal. Here a clever forward pass from Logan to Handy brought the first team within striking distance, and on the next play Francke made a touchdown. The second team was given the ball on their 20-yard line and easily drove the first team back, but lost the ball on an on-side kick. The first rapidly made up the lost ground and after some fumbling Francke ran thirty yards for another touchdown. The final score was 15 to 0 in favor of the first team.

The defensive work of the line was particularly poor. The men seemed easily confused, and time and again allowed the second team to go through for good gains.

Atkinson and Brickley were on the field dressed, but did not take part in the scrimmages.
