
Tennis Singles Entries to Close at 6

Entries for the fall tennis tournament for the University championship in singles will close at 6 o'clock tonight. Entries may be made by Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores at Leavitt & Peirce's, by Freshmen at the Rendezvous. An entrance fee of 50 cents in singles, and $1 a team in doubles, must be paid at the time of signing the blue-book. The drawings, with the time and place of play, will be announced in Monday's CRIMSON. The University championship in doubles will commence on Wednesday instead of Monday. Entries for the doubles will close at 6 o'clock on Tuesday night.

Courts will be reserved and no charge will be made for their use. Balls, however, must be furnished by the contestants. The matches will be for the best two out of three sets and must be played on the day scheduled or else be defaulted, except in case of rain, when they will be played on the following day. Contestants may claim default if their opponents fail to appear within one-half hour of the scheduled time. Score cards have been placed in the CRIMSON Office, and the results of the matches must be recorded by the winners each day. In case the result of any match is not posted by 7 o'clock in the evening of the day of the match, both contestants will be disqualified.

The College Office wishes it understood that nobody on probation may take part in this tournament.
