
Large Number at Dining Halls

Enrollment at Memorial and Randall halls has shown a marked advance over last year and is increasing rapidly. There are 875 men regularly enrolled at Memorial as compared with 813 on the same date last year. Club tables will be assigned Monday, October 9, and lists must be handed in at the desk not later than the dinner hour Saturday, October 7. Only a few tables remain open and all lists accompanying petitions for reservation should contain the required number of signatures if they are to receive proper consideration.

The new manager, Mr. Wilkey, formerly steward of the Union, at the request of the committee is serving exceedingly high grade board, which will be maintained throughout the year. The service is good, and an orchestra will be engaged soon to furnish music during the dinner hour three or four times a week.

Randall Hall will also have music. The food combinations there have been revised, and suggestions in regard to further revision are welcome. In order to obtain increased efficiency of service at breakfast the hours will be somewhat shortened within a few days. Ample notice will be given before the proposed change, however. This year an effort is being made to have the tables kept clear of used dishes, and to improve the service throughout. The membership there also is increasing rapidly and the satisfaction with the board has been general.

The popularity of the halls promises to bring their membership near to capacity this year. Under these conditions the committee can supply the best of everything at a diminishing cost ratio.
