
1912 Class Song Competition

The 1912 Class Song Committee wishes to remind all men of the class that the great competition for a song with original music and words is now open. Music without words, and words without music will be received. In such cases the committee will select the most exquisite contributions of each sort and either bring the composers and poets together, or supply the needed talent itself, but incomplete offerings should be handed in as soon as possible in order that the necessary introduction may be made. It is hoped, however, that wherever possible the manuscripts will be complete.

The last date for receiving songs has been fixed at October 20, instead of October 10, and the place at Holworthy 1. As the song chosen will be the official one of 1912, to be sung on all occasions and at all reunions, and as the name of its author will appear on Class Day programs and in the Class Album, all Seniors of lyric gift are urged to contribute.
