

On "The Theatre of Beauty."--Expert on Scenic and Lighting Effects.

Mr. William Butler Yeats, who is visiting this country in company with the Irish Players now at the Plymouth Theatre in Boston, will deliver a lecture on "The Theatre of Beauty" in New Lecture Hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Although the lecture is given under the auspices of the Harvard Dramatic Club, it will be open to the public. Mr. Yeats will lecture for a short period and then will answer questions on any subject suggested by his talk.

Mr. Yeats has made many experiments at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, with imaginative settings for poetic plays. In two weeks he is returning to Ireland to join Gordon Craig, son of Ellen Terry, and himself an artist and scene-designer of note, in some practical experiments with a new sort of scenery and new lighting effects that Mr. Craig has lately invented and which he expects will revolutionize the staging of poetic dramas. Mr. Yeats will describe these new methods for obtaining more harmonious and beautiful settings and will discuss realism, impressionism, and symbolism in scenery.
