
Dormitory Crew Candidates Reported

Yesterday afternoon about 75 candidates reported for the various dormitory crews. This number is considerably less than last year, when over 100 men came out for the first days' work. Six eights were sent out from the Weld boathouse, but only two from the Newell. This state of affairs is discouraging to the crew management who have made special efforts to make fall rowing a success this year. The season is short, for the bumping races will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, October 18 and 19, dates less than two weeks distant. On Friday, October 20, a final scratch race of a mile and a half will be rowed for the Filley Cup between the crews making the best showing in the bumping races on the two previous days.

After this race graded crews will be made up at the two boathouses. Two weeks later races will be held between the corresponding grades, and individual cups will be awarded to the winners in each grade.

To make the fall work an unqualified success it is absolutely necessary that a larger number of men report. All new candidates should report at the Weld and Newell boathouses respectively, as follows: Weld boathouse--Claverly, Beck, Hampden, Fairfax, Randolph, Weld, Brentford, Ware, Dunster, Dana, Drayton; Newell boathouse--Thayer, Westmorly, Perkins, Russell, Mt. Auburn street, Bow street. In addition to these, any dormitory which can get eight men together will be given a shell.

All crews should report at 3 o'clock if possible, unless the contrary is announced in the notice column.

Of the crews which were sent out yesterday afternoon Claverly seemed to have the best material, consisting principally of Freshmen who have had considerable experience at preparatory schools.
