

This Afternoon at 3.--R. P. Blake '94 Presents Cups for Double Sculls.

Fall work for the University crew will begin this afternoon. Coach Wray will have charge of the squad, which consists of four eights, and will give them long practice rows for three of four weeks, followed by two weeks of hard work in preparation for the four mile handicap race to be held on November 15. In addition to this work, a considerable amount of rowing in double sculls, will be done in order to quicken up the men and eliminate individual faults. At the end of the season a race will be held between the members of the University squad, rowing in doubles, for two cups which have been presented by R. P. Blake '94. The following men should report at the University boathouse this afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp, dressed to row: A. T. Abeles C. T. Abeles, N. L. Anderson, G. H. Balch, J. F. Brownlee, E. K. Carver, T. Chadwick, L. S. Chanler, Jr., W. A. Cleary, F. L. Converse, C. H. Crombie, E. D. Curtis, L. Curtis, C. H. Davis, H. Eager, A. M. Goodale, A. M. Hay, G. Harrower, N. B. Lincoln, G. P. Metcalf, G. vonL. Meyer, Jr., L. H. Mils, J. S. Morgan, R. M. Nelson G. F. Newton. Jr., J. S. Parker, R. S. Parker, C. W. Peabody, Q. Reynolds, D. Sargent, L. N. C. Smith, G. F. Stratton, A. Strong, N. S. Sullivan, R. D. Walker, J. Wentworth, C. Weston, R. Weston. Anyone who cannot report at the above time notify A. Strong, Claverly 19, before 1 o'clock today.
