
Soccer Practice to Begin

Practice for the University and Freshman association football teams will commence on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Charles Burgess will again act as coach.

Last spring the team tied with Haverford for first place in the Intercollegiate Association Football League, the championship being awarded to Haverford because of the latter's higher goal average. A large number of players on the successful 1911 team had no previous knowledge of the game and it is hoped that many men will report immediately, as the first few days will be devoted to the rudiments of soccer. A second eleven will be organized and a schedule arranged for it.

By a special ruling of the Athletic Committee, adopted last spring, graduate students, by obtaining the approval of the deans of their respective schools, are eligible for the University team.

The fall schedule of six or more games will probably include a match with Princeton on the morning of the Harvard-Princeton football game and a corresponding match with Yale on the day of the Harvard-Yale game. The other games will include Andover, Springfield Training School, and several of the strong New England mill teams.

All men of previous experience and the members of last year's University and Freshman teams should report without fail, as a large attendance in the autumn is necessary to develop a strong team for the intercollegiate series in the spring. New men are reminded to be careful to procure the proper shoes.
