
Handicap Track Games Tomorrow

Entries for the fall handicap track games, which will be held on Soldiers Field tomorrow at 4 o'clock, must be made before 6 o'clock today in the bluebooks provided for the purpose at Leavitt & Peirce's and at the Locker Building. Cups will be awarded to the winners of first and second places, as last year, and there will be no entrance fee. Instead of the usual 220-yard low hurdle race has been substituted; and instead of the two-mile, a three-mile race will be held and men entered in the two mile will have to run the longer distance.

It has been decided to allow "H" men to compete, but, inasmuch as the meet is handicap, everyone with any ability at all in track should enter. Men who have not taken strength tests will not be allows to enter the meet. This afternoon is the last opportunity to take such tests.

The following is the complete list of events to be held: 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard run, 880-yard run, mile-run, three-mile run, 120-yard high hurdles, 120-yard low hurdles, running high jump, running broad jump, pole-vault, 16-pound shot-put, 16-pound hammer-throw.

The list of entries and officials for the meet will be published in tomorrow's CRIMSON.
