
Student Volunteer League to Meet

The fourth annual conference of the Student Volunteer League of Greater Boston will be held Saturday and Sunday, October 28 and 29, at Andover, Mass., under the auspices of the Phillips Andover Academy. The purpose of the League is to interest college students in mission work and to give men already interested opportunities for doing effective work in that line. Representatives come every year from Harvard, Brown Boston University, Phillips Andover, Radcliffe, Wellesley, and numerous other institutions. The churches of Andover have offered to provide entertainment for those who desire it; and the opportunity to visit a place of such historic missionary interest should in itself prove one of the most attractive features of the conference.

The program, so far as completed, includes the following speakers:

On Saturday, at 4 o'clock in South Church, Mr. W. E. Doughty, of the Laymen's Missionary Movement; at 7.30 o'clock in Abbot Academy, Rev. J. C. Robbins, of the Philippines, and Mr. E. H. Hume, M.D., of Yale Mission, China.

On Sunday, at 9 A. M., in South Church, Mr. Wilbur Smith, of the Student Volunteer Movement; at 10.30 A. M., in south Church, Mr. Mornay Williams, of the Laymen's Missionary Movement; at 2.30 P. M., in the Phillips Academy, Rev. J. A. Reis, of West Africa, and Mr. J. Campbell White, of the Laymen's Missionary Movement; at 4.15 o'clock, at Missionary Rock, the closing consecration service led by Rev. J. C. Robbins.

Suitable trains leave Boston Saturday at 3, 6, and 6.03 P. M.; Sunday at 8, 10.30 and 12 A. M.; returning leave Andover Saturday at 10.23 P. M.; Sunday at 6.08 P. M. The opening headquarters of the conference will be in South Church. Everyone interested in mission work is cordially invited to attend.
