Edward C. Carter '00, the first graduate secretary of Phillips Brooks House, will speak on "The Work in India" in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, tomorrow evening at 8.15 o'clock. Dean Briggs will preside. The lecture will be open to all members of the University.
When Mr. Cater was graduated in 1900, Phillips Brooks House had no definite organization, although it had been open for a year. The obvious need for a graduate head led to the present system of management, and Mr. Carter was appointed graduate secretary, in which position he served for two years. In September, 1902, the University Christian Association sent him as its foreign representative to serve under the International Committee of the Students' Y. M. C. A., assuming the financial obligations itself. He went to India, where, as an assistant secretary, he worked among the great universities, in the cities, and on the railroads. In 1908, however, the International Committee relieved the Christian Association of its pledge, and ordered him home to fill the position of General Secretary for North America during the absence of Mr. John R. Mot, in which capacity he has been a leader at the North field Conference for the last three years. Mr. Mott's return has now relieved him of his duties in this country, and he will sail for the East next month, as General Secretary for India, Ceylon, and Burma, to continue the work which he left unfinished.
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