
Gifts to Germanic Museum

Professor Kuno Francke, curator of the Germanic Museum has received official announcement that the Government of Rhenish Prussia, at the suggestion of Professor Clemen of the University of Bonn, former exchange professor in the University has decided to give to the Germanic Museum a collection of casts of the finest and most representative works of Rhenish sculpture from the Romanesque, the Gothic and the Renaissance periods. The collection will include among other monuments a richly ornamented portal of Treves Cathedral, the Romanesque portal of the Church of Our Lady at Andernach, choir screens from the Church of St. Maria in the capitol at Cologne, finely carved choir stalls from Xanten and Oberwesel. In fact the whole Rhineland from the Moselle to the Dutch frontier will be represented by typical works of art. At the same time the Society of Arts and Crafts of Rhineland and Westphalia has decided to make a similar gift covering the industrial arts of these two provinces. The whole collection, which is now being prepared under the direction of Professor Clemen, will contain some 20 larger and 30 to 40 smaller objects, and will be both in size and in intrinsic value fully equal to the gifts of the German emperor, which gave to the Museum its first great impetus some ten years ago.
