There are now 36 "H" men in the College. Of this number only two, Potter and Wigglesworth, have won their letter in two sports, both having played against Yale in baseball and football. Milton Academy easily leads in total and general representation.
Following are the names of the wearers of the "H" and their preparatory schools:
Football.--T. J. Campbell '12, of Worcester Academy; S. M. Felton '13, of Milton Academy; R. T. Fisher '12, of Andover; T. Frothingham, Jr., '12, of Groton; G. E. Morrison '12, of Andover; R. S. Potter '12, of St. Mark's; L. D. Smith '12, of Hill School; P. L. Wendell '13, of Roxbury Latin; R. B. Wigglesworth '12, of Milton Academy; H. de Windt '12, of Milton Academy.
Baseball.--R. C. Babson '12, of Cambridge Latin; R. C. Clifford '12, of Arlington High; J. R. Desha '12, of Oahu College, Honolulu; H. T. Gibson '12, of Boston Latin; R. S. Potter '12, of St. Mark's; H. A. Rogers '12, of Milton Academy; W. B. Young '12, of Rockland High.
Crew.--A. T. Abeles '13, of Marienfield School; C. T. Abeles '13, of Marienfield School; G. H. Balch '12, of Milton Academy; A. M. Goodale '13, of Noble and Greenough; G. P. Metcalf '12, of St. Paul's; G. von L. Meyer '13, of Groton; E. D. Morgan '13, of Groton; G. F. Newton '12, of Noble and Greenough; G. F. Stratton '13, of Cambridge Latin; A. Strong '12, of St. Mark's.
Track.--T. Cable '13, of Exeter; J. B. Cummings '13, of Stone School; F. C. Gray '12, of Noble and Greenough; H. P. Lawless '13, of Browne and Nichols; F. H. Leslie '12, of Milton Academy; B. M. Preble '12, of Curtis High; D. P. Ranney '12, of Noble and Greenough; F. B. Waller '13, of Exeter; P. R. Withington '12, of Noble and Greenough.
*Potter and Wigglesworth have won their "H" in two sports, and have been counted twice.
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